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June 25th 2024 1:53am

Well thank you for stopping by. I couldnt sleep so i designed a new layout for this one. I really love how this one came out and really hate the last one lol. Oh well its ok. But here i am uploading the new one.
The show is coming back on in 2025 . Even though i read the last book I just hope who ever she chooses on the show that she is happy. I don't know if its going to follow the books. But Guess we will see how it goes. I can't wait to see Previews so as soon as that comes out. You all will be the 1st to see it posted here. Anyways hope you like this new layout and the colors. I worked really hard on this one :) i fined it really amazing when im bored i find my most creative side on those days. <3 talk soon!

New Season coming soon!


A new season is coming in 2025.. Cant wait.. Hope you all enjoy this new layout i decided to make today.. I cleaned up my room and decided to do a new look since its been a while since last time i updated. How is everyone doing? now the cbox is going to be on the left side of this layout.. Leave your Mark and i'll get back to you <3

New Layout

April 8 2024

Decided to really change this one up. it was a pain to put together but finally did. So anyways i hope you all like this one. I know i use him alot cause he is so darn cute lol. Can't help it. I need to start looking for new pictures haha <3 hope all is well